The International Community: Aware but Stagnant
When it comes to providing equitable healthcare resources, the international community seems to have some trouble putting its money where its mouth is. Despite the recent comprehensive report from the Lancet Commission on Global Mental Health , what Joanne Silberner describes as a “ lament that the world is ignoring millions of suffering people,” that highlights the extreme need for addressing the pervasive issue, financial priorities have yet to change. To explain the lack of funding despite great need, a recent NPR article claims that stigma is partially to blame. It’s also clear that in the eyes of many policy makers and non-governmental organizations, the mind is insignificant when the physical health of a person is at risk. Maslow’s hierarchy reigns, and ignored is the amassing research that indicates how influential mental health is on the body’s ability to fight infections as well as on cardiovascular and neurological health. One potential reason that funding efforts t...