Welcome to WHO!

Hi everyone, happy new year and welcome to WHO! My name is Henry Dong, and I'm going to be your head chair this year for BMUN 67. I'm really excited to meet you all in March, but in the meantime, I thought I'd take a quick moment to introduce myself. I'm originally from Irvine in southern California, and I'm currently a senior at UC Berkeley, studying cognitive science and education and hoping to pursue a career in medicine and academia one day. Outside of classes, I love the outdoors (hiking and rock climbing in particular), playing and watching basketball, getting too invested in very low stakes poker games with my friends, and shirking my responsibilities to watch Netflix. Personally, I found MUN to be one of my most formative and favorite high school experiences, and I joined BMUN because I was looking for a similar kind of community. This year will be my third and final year in BMUN, and my seventh and final year doing MUN as a whole, so I'm really excited for this conference, and I can't wait to hear all the amazing ideas that you'll all be bringing. I look forward to getting to know you all, and feel free to introduce yourselves to the dais and your fellow delegates in the comments below!


  1. Hello everyone! My name is Amy Wong and I, along with my partner, Teagan So, will be representing the country of Belgium this BMUN. This is my second BMUN and fourth year in MUN overall. MUN taught me to make rational decisions, collaborate with large groups, research, and write more concisely, which is why I've continued to participate throughout high school. I peaked the day Carrie Fisher's dog followed me on Instagram, so I hope my final BMUN will give that a run for its money as coolest event of my life so far. See you all in March!

  2. Hello! My name is Teagan So, and I'll be representing Belgium along with my partner-in-crime Amy. This is my second time being a delegate at BMUN and my third year as a member of MUN at my high school. I love watching musicals on Youtube and reading plot summaries of horror movies on Wikipedia. Being a part of MUN has taught me more than speaking skills; throughout my high school career, it has instilled a new confidence in me and led me to make connections with some of the most interesting people I have ever met. I'm so excited to be participating in BMUN again, and I look forward to meeting you all in conference!

  3. Hi! My name is Terry Wang and I will be representing the United States of America along with my partner, Emma Fong! This is my 3rd year in MUN and my 2nd time coming to BMUN. MUN has honestly been an amazing experience for me throughout high school and it really opened my eyes to many different cultures of the world! I'm excited for this to be my 2nd travel conference this school year following my Paris MUN trip in December! I am an avid tennis player and I love to learn about history. MUN has helped me become more comfortable with new people and I'm looking forward to working with everyone at this amazing conference!

  4. Hey, my name is Emma Fong! This will be my first time going to BMUN and I will be representing the United States of America. I have been apart of my school’s Model UN program for 2 years and I love it because I get to meet new people. I have been playing softball for about 8 years and hope to continue playing in college. I love listening to music and actually went to Camp Flog Gnaw which was probably the best experience of my life. I can’t wait to meet everyone!!

  5. Hi, I'm Isabelle Krajewski & I'm partnering with Lauren Kramer to represent the United Kingdom! We have partnered in past conferences like the National High School MUN conference in NYC and worked together in Europe at the conference for the International School of the Hague. We're super excited to meet everyone in debate, and look forward to this being a really fun environment for solving world issues. :)

  6. Hello everyone I am Subha Khan and this is my second time at BMUN. I am so incredibly excited to be back and I look forward to having substantial debate on solving world issues!


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