So what is this blog for anyway?

Hi delegates! I hope everything has been going well for you all and the research papers and conference prep are coming along smoothly. As conference nears (only about a month away!), I just wanted to give you all a quick update about what these blogs are for and what to expect during these next few weeks.

Blog posts are something that is unique to BMUN and a great platform of communication between delegates and chairs. Each committee has their own blog every year prior to the start of conference - which is managed collectively by the committee chairs - where the dais will post about interesting articles, recent news developments, and important conference logistics every week leading up the the actual conference in March. These posts will include substantive articles and developments relevant to both topics, as well as continual committee updates that include position paper guidelines, our technology policy, and advice on how to prepare for conference.

We strongly encourage you all to comment on these posts with your own ideas and research. Don't worry, this isn't mandatory at all, and it won't be graded in any way whatsoever, but I personally think it would be a great way for us as a collective committee, both delegates and chairs, to interact with each other and start a discourse of the two topics. It'd be a great way for all of us to become exposed to unique and novel ideas that we may not have thought of, but someone else has, or for us to learn about interesting proposals that we've never considered or see which countries we might choose to align with. If it so happens that you may not have the chance to comment on the blog posts - or even if you just don't want to - don't worry about it, we definitely understand you all have other things going on. However, even still, we do strongly recommend reading through each post, as well as their corresponding articles, in order to remain engaged with the topics, and who knows - maybe some of these articles might become relevant during committee.

As always, if any of you have any questions or concerns about literally anything at all, please feel free to email the dais at, or me personally at Best of luck and we hope to see you all in the comments soon!


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