Hey delegates!

Hey delegates I'm Allyson Velez, a first-year Freshman originally from Southern California, and I’ll be another one of the vice chairs for WHO. Before I moved to Berkeley you could most likely find me at the beach with friends, watching Disney movies with my younger sister, or binge watching some Netflix show. Since moving to Berkeley I have really broadened my horizons (sarcasm intended); instead of going to the beach with friends in OC, I go to San Francisco with new Berkeley friends, instead of watching Disney movies with my sister, I watch Disney movies with my roommate, and instead of binge watching TV in the comforts of my own home, I binge watch TV in the comforts of my dorm. Now, with all this riveting information about myself I’m sure you must be thinking “WOW! My vice chair is the coolest” and you’re right. :)

I am an intended Psychology major pursuing a pre-med track thus, mental health and medical advancements are something I find very important for everyone to understand. In addition, I have always been passionate about global issues. I started MUN when I was in 7th grade which makes this my seventh year of MUN. I also attended BMUN as a delegate last year (coincidentally I was in WHO and I was co-delegates with my best friend who is also in BMUN now!) therefore, I understand that questions can arise well before conference. Please do not hesitate to email me with any questions or concerns. 

All in all, I am looking forward to committee in a few short months. Until then, good luck with research!


  1. We look forward to being in your committee (though the prospect of going to a giant committee seems intimidating).


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