[IMPORTANT] BMUN Technology Policy

Hi delegates,

Happy Friday! Before conference officially begins in three weeks, I wanted to give you all a quick overview of BMUN's technology policy, so that you all know what to expect during committee.

Historically, BMUN has traditionally been a non-technology conference, but in recent years, changes have been made regarding this policy. Technology policies tend to vary by committee, which are at the discretion of the dais. The WHO will be a technology-restricted committee, where technology is only allowed for the purposes of writing resolutions during unmoderated caucuses and presenting the resolutions during formal caucus. We do encourage you to bring your laptops and tablets to conference if you can, but if you can't, don't worry! There will still be plenty of ways for you to be involved. With this being said however, only laptops and/or tablets will be allowed in committee - other electronic devices like cell phones are still not permitted - and only may your electronic devices be used for resolution writing; any delegate found to be doing additional research during committee session will be disqualified from committee awards, so we encourage you to print out hard copies of your research.

Moreover, the use of laptops and tablets will be permitted only during unmods in order to help you craft your resolutions. They are not to be used during any other time, in order to ensure that every delegate who is speaking has our respect and attention.

As always, our emails are always open, so feel free to reach out to us (wholxvii@bmun.org) if you have any questions or concerns about our technology policy!


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